May 13, 2024

💸 Investment News 💸 tiney

Get ready to witness a revolution in early years education. Meet our latest investment:! ❤️

Tech-enabled childcare startup, trains, and supports ‘micro-entrepreneurs’ to retrain as childminders and open childcare settings at home; helping to meet the acute demand for affordable, high-quality early years education across England.

Rubio has joined a $9m Series A round together with our impact investor friends Mustard Seed + Partners,  and PortfoLion Capital Partners.

Accessible, affordable childcare is still a big issue in many European countries. This status quo is holding back the academic and social development of a generation of children, and is putting a huge strain on parents and often preventing them (particularly mothers) from re-entering the workforce. 

Super excited how team tiney is solving this issue!  We look forward to work with Brett Wigdortz OBE, Edd Read, John Newbold and the rest of the tiney team!

📣 For more info, check out the portfolio page of tiney.