December 2, 2022

🔮 What will the Dutch 🇳🇱 tech & VC world look like in 2023?

The number one financial newspaper in the Netherlands Het Financieele Dagblad did their research and talked with our own Willemijn VerloopJohan van Mil of Peak and Briehan Burke of Keen Venture Partners about their expectations for  the next year. The title of the article is: “headwind creates successful tech companies”

We appreciate that journalists Jan Fred van Wijnen and Jasper Houtman paid attention to the opportunities for funds that invest in early stage companies in the current turbulent financial markets. The markets are volatile currently and investors are more critical when investing.

However, there are a lot of opportunities especially in sustainable food production, clean energy and solutions related to work and education. How to create a better and more diverse world was passionately discussed. Willemijn flagged that making an impact is as important as making returns at Rubio.

Link to the interview:

Photo credits: Manon van der Zwaal voor het FD